
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Christ in the present moment...the stairway to heaven...the Mass filled with all sacraments, filled with His Real Presence:  His Real Presence fills the soul.

Some of the thoughts have been written in private correspondence to one or two souls.  All thoughts and realities come from, return to, in intimate communion of thought, essence, being: His Real Presence.

His Real Presence Is the Trinity of Three Persons as Oneness of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  To remain in His love is to remain in His Real Presence which is union in His Real Presence Love.

The daily details remain daily details of mortal life lived in temporal settings.  From reading Mauriac's The Woman of the Pharisees one can discover him- or herself in the protagonist: a self-righteous, deceived soul who yet sincerely desires holiness.

It is not the duty of a true nothing to correct others, to make even critical judgment or attempt instruction.  A nothing must let others be.  If one in authority finds one to have a rare, spiritual life...if a professional suggests perhaps one in 50 if that...then there are still 49 who are beyond yet do not criticize, correct or instruct the one and lets that one be.  A nothing is where it is, not able to see beyond even if can see behind and has developed a misconceived duty of correcting and instructing.

Just let others be where they are and understand that is where they are and from there they see not beyond and thus all is accepted, forgiven, understood.  The upsets and strains, the persecutions that result from others not necessarily being able to see where a nothing is, are all released from the grip of being misunderstood and for good reason.  Even a nothing cannot see beyond and often enough not even within, other than to know now to let others be where they are without temptation to correct, instruct, or criticize...even if one sees so clearly and loves so deeply as to desire others to grasp.

For a nothing grasps only what a nothing can grasp, which is to understand that there is less and less to grasp other than His Real Presence.  And one cannot grasp His Real Presence until the fullness, the wholeness of comprehension of His Real Presence filters into the soul in ways that one cannot describe or grasp in any tangible way.

St. John of Avila mentions in one of his sermons on the Holy Ghost, some of this ascent, or the letting go of loving the Second Person to the exclusion of the fullness of His Real Presence which includes very much the Father and the Holy Spirit as well as the Son.  It is fascinating, what John of Avila writes because he expresses a reality that one can only grasp by grace.

Then to comprehend, to understand, to live the reality that union in His Real Presence takes a nothing--each nothing--into circumstances that unfold uniquely and defy what others may find acceptable.  There is a sloughing of that attachment to that which is necessary in the foundation and training of a soul in certain respects, and to respect that foundation, yet to detach from loving that foundation, the reflections all so good and beautiful in truth, more than loving His Real Presence in purity of the unknowable.

It would scandalize some to be specific in the way His Real Presence brings about union in the degrees and levels of union, for all is by progression, step by step--if that metaphor is even a valid expression of the process.  It is all risk--the soul's process into union of His Real Presence.  No one nothing's actual circumstance of the detachment from the temporal foundation can replicate another nothing's; nor can any nothing's subsuming into His Real Presence replicate any other nothings' subsuming in the union with His Real Presence, in the process of the union.

Yet the union itself, the soul being subsumed in His Real Presence, His Real Presence Love, the Trinity, Trinity Love, is wholly, truly one.

The shoulder is not healing properly.  It is Christ's shoulder bearing the pain of the cross.  There is no compensation help, no inquiry of concern from those one would have thought might step forth to bring temporal justice.  Even the spiritual director who wants to ask admits he will not be successful in results.  All this is by design and the will of His Real Presence, His Real Presence in all moments.

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